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Film Info
Premiere Type
Premiere Type
Los Angeles County Premiere
Film Category
Run Time
1 hour 32 min
Directed by
Directed by
Alexandre Bustillo & Julien Maury
Produced by
Produced By
Vincent Brançon Vérane Frédiani & Franck Ribière
Written by
Written by
Alexandre Bustillo & Julien Maury
Main Cast
Main Cast
Béatrice Dalle, Jérémy Kapone, Catherine Jacob, Félix Moati, Chloé Coulloud, Marie-Claude Pietragalla, Chloé Marcq, and Loïc Berthézène
It's young Lucy's first day as a trainee in-house caregiver. She visits Mrs Jessel, an old woman who lies in cerebral coma, by herself, in her large desolate house. Learning by accident that Mrs Jessel, a former dance teacher of repute, supposedly possesses a treasure somewhere in the house, Lucy and friends William and Ben decide to search the house in the hope of finding it. At night, they get into the house, which reveals itself to be increasingly peculiar. Their hunt for Mrs Jessel's treasure leads them into a horrifying supernatural series of events that will change Lucy forever...

About the Director

Meet the Filmmaker
Contact Info

Alexandre Bustillo &

Julien Maury

Alexandre Bustillo was born on August 10, 1975 in France. He is a writer and director, known for Inside (2007), The Deep House (2021) and Among the Living (2014). Julien Maury is known for Inside (2007), The Deep House (2021) and Among the Living (2014).