Larry Fessenden, Andrew Kasch, Dennie Gordon, Bobby Roe, Alix Austin & Keir Siewert, Christian Pasquariello, Alexandra Neary, Zach Passero ,Adam Brown & Kyle I. Kelley
Produced by
Produced By
Nathan Crooker, James P. Gannon
Written by
Written by
Larry Fessenden, Cody Goodfellow, Dennie Gordon, Zack Andrews & Bobby Roe, Kyle I. Kelley & Adam Brown, Keir Siewert, Zach Passero, Alexandrea Neary, Christian Pasquariello
Main Cast
Main Cast
Larry Fessenden, Dennie Gordon, Graham Denman, Damien Gerard, Bobby Roe
Sunny Roe, Bodhi Roe, Adam Brown, Alix Austin, Hannah Passero
Marieh Delfino, Alex Weed, Fine Belger, Hans Gurbig
Woven together are nine tales of terror that follow isolated citizens from around the world as they confront their darkest fears in an attempt to survive an increasingly deadly outbreak.
About the Director
Meet the Filmmaker
Contact Info
Larry Fessenden, Andrew Kasch, Dennie Gordon, Bobby Roe, Alix Austin & Keir Siewert, Christian Pasquariello, Alexandra Neary, Zach Passero ,Adam Brown & Kyle I. Kelley