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Schism (Fractured)

Film Info
Premiere Type
Premiere Type
World Premiere
Film Category
Run Time
1 hr 37 min
Directed by
Directed by
Adam Gierasch
Produced by
Produced By
Kate Hoffman,Ray Markovich,Adam Gierasch,Jace Anderson &Andrew Cohen
Written by
Written by
Jace Anderson &Adam Gierasch
Main Cast
Main Cast
Callum Blue,
Vinnie Jones,
Ashlynn Yennie &
Nicole LaLiberte
Dylan White has a normal, boring life. Then horrifying visions start to interrupt his waking moments, and he must face the fact that he literally doesn't know who he is. Following clues that take him to the dark underbelly, Dylan soon finds both his life and soul in danger. Featuring a masterful performance by Callum Blue, SCHISM is a trip to the dark side, noir-style: bad men, bad dames, bad sex and bad intentions.

About the Director

Meet the Filmmaker
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Adam Gierasch has written screenplays for horror legends such as Dario Argento (MOTHER OF TEARS) and Tobe Hooper (TOOLBOX MURDERS). SCHISM is his fourth outing as a director and his most personal film to date: he's been wanting to combine his two favorite genres, horror and noir, for years....Read more
Adam Gierasch has written screenplays for horror legends such as Dario Argento (MOTHER OF TEARS) and Tobe Hooper (TOOLBOX MURDERS). SCHISM is his fourth outing as a director and his most personal film to date: he's been wanting to combine his two favorite genres, horror and noir, for years. And even though he's a nice Jewish boy from upstate New York, he's haunted by questions of damnation and redemption. It's probably a guilt thing. Read less