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Film Info
Premiere Type
Premiere Type
US Premiere
Film Category
Run Time
Directed by
Directed by
Alberto Viavattene
Produced by
Produced By
Claudio Bronzo, Lorenzo Lotti e Alessandro Regaldo
Written by
Written by
Alberto Viavattene
Main Cast
Main Cast
Roxane Duran
Sydne Rome
Stewart Arnold
Viola Sartoretto
Giulia Luna Mazzarino
Stella Clozza
Erika Piroscia
Alina La Costa
Loredana Armanni
Night. An abusive nurse wanders through the halls of a nursing home. She integrates her salary by secretly selling prescription drugs to junkies and stealing from the most vulnerable patients. The only thing she hates more than her job is old people. Upon entering room 12, occupied by three sisters, she discovers that one of them has just turned one-hundred years old: there must be a birthday present somewhere… that will change their lives forever.

About the Director

Meet the Filmmaker
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Alberto Viavattene was born on September 21 of 1986 in Turin. He took part in the camera department of Paolo Sorrentino?s productions like 'Youth' and the more recent 'The Young Pope' HBO tv series....Read more
Alberto Viavattene was born on September 21 of 1986 in Turin. He took part in the camera department of Paolo Sorrentino?s productions like 'Youth' and the more recent 'The Young Pope' HBO tv series. As director he made music videos (like Rockin'1000 Learn to fly video, that reached more than 30 million views on YouTube), commercials and five short films released all over the world in festival circuits, video on demand and home video. Read less