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She Never Died


Q&A with director Audrey Cummings, David Miller, Olunike Adeliyi and Mike Mason Screens with The Party

Film Info
Premiere Type
Premiere Type
US Premiere
Film Category
Run Time
1 hour 29 min
Directed by
Directed by
Audrey Cummings
Produced by
Produced By
Jennifer Mesich
Written by
Written by
Jason Krawczyk
Main Cast
Main Cast
Oluniké Adeliyi, Peter MacNeill, Kiana Madeira, Michelle Nolden, Noah Danby
Lacey, a socially detached loner is cursed with immortality and her never-ending tedium of existence. In her attempts to keep her compulsions in check, she seeks out the darkest souls humanity has to offer. Lacey must now face her own inner demons while simultaneously finding her next meal.

About the Director

Meet the Filmmaker
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Quebec born Audrey Cummings has directed, written and produced several award winning films including the the highly successful horror film Berkshire County which won her ten top prize festival awards including Best Feature Film and Best Director awards, and her sci-fi/fantasy thriller Darken which...Read more
Quebec born Audrey Cummings has directed, written and produced several award winning films including the the highly successful horror film Berkshire County which won her ten top prize festival awards including Best Feature Film and Best Director awards, and her sci-fi/fantasy thriller Darken which won her four awards internationally. Audrey just recently completed her third feature film She Never Died, an immortal action thriller that is just beginning its festival run. She also made 9 short films and directed an 11 episode digital series. Audrey went to Queens University and is also a graduate of the Canadian Film Centre's very prestigious Director's Lab Program. Read less